Hey Line Creek Brewing: Thanks for trusting us!

Hey Line Creek Brewing: Thanks for trusting us!

Put some fruit pureé in that beer


We are so happy and proud that our customers are making awesome beers with our natural fruit purées.

We just received this email from our friends LINE CREEK BREWING in Peachtree City GA, telling us that they were awarded for their passion fruit Berliner made with our passion fruit purée. 


 Hello, My name is Alex Noll and I work at Line Creek Brewing in Peachtree City Georgia. I just wanted to reach out and let you know that our passion fruit Berliner was the United States winner for best Flavoured Wild/Sour in the 2019 World Beer Awards. Again we would just like to thank you and let you know that we couldn't have done it with out you. Best regards, 

Alex Noll


Hey Alex, thanks for trusting us!!! 



Aseptic Fruit Purées By Papagayo



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